January 31, 2023 JMS 1850 LP Issues pick back up with form validation adding email and telephone regex validation, adding red border to invalid fields once a form attempt has been attempted, and adding required field validation with some labeling TMZ Handoff discussing the meaning of the word "estimate" so we can figure out a handoff budget. JMS 1850 LP Issues test in a couple of browsers submit another merge request email JMS about the request JMS Retainer come up with my bio for a presentation Team Meeting TAP REDIRECT 302
through Netlify config file TMZ Analytics re-read that article come up with my own structure JMS OCS Audit review S's ideas and report back TMZ Analytics query research making a copy of the gtm container for staging purposes move GTM tag to an environment variable, local, staging, and production in the new staging container, remove old stuff, add new GA4 connection create new GA4 property Manager 1-on-1 TMZ Analytics confirming that my data-context attribute is working correctly going through each template part and adding these where appropriate finding some odd uses of buttons and links that doesn't seem accessible, probably not in scope to fix any of it though done adding context to templates, now to test a bit more VEN Scope Creep adding some suggestions and estimates for new feature on an existing landing page HVR Video same vimeo issue, someone's changing them to "unlisted" Last Updated: 2/10/2023, 1:48:52 AM