February 10, 2023
CK Notes
JMS Maintenance
- making an updated branch and checking builds so I can get started with more maintenance and hopefully have a clean merge later.
- made a branch.
- local assets install is not completing again. I'm just going to let it run and see if it ever does anything.
TMZ Handoff
- added to email thread with stakeholders
- sent S3 bucket download with options for direct syncing if they wish
JMS Maintenance
- track down my continuing landmark issues
- I think it was just a bad merge that ended up adding a second
- remove a link from the footer
- This was removed from the Snippet in Pimcore.
- remove "all resources" link from the mobile menu
- primary header image issues, couldn't get anything to work as a reliable background image, switched to a content image
- css changes aren't significant
- some thumbnail settings are not in all environments
- the largest images are throwing a 500 error
- it's the freaking @2x in the filename
- ugh, assets will not install on my local machine, restarted docker, restarted computer, just won't work.
SWFT Website
- setup parcel, acf pro, my scss base, enqueue scripts, custom plugin, etc.
Email Image Host