January 14, 2022 JMS Healthcare Survey BSH Recipe groups adding a new one adding a new key in db to not show in trend list Team Meeting BSH Recipe groups staging deploy failing? firefox issue, not sure what it is yet, probably something to do with the fact staging doesn't have ssl. JMS Checking on email to JT he found the job that moves assets to our Amazon S3 bucket, works great. RC is now up to date. JMS Healthcare Survey BSH Recipe groups sorting by date now, but, since I've been putting recipes in the database manually, I haven't been adding a date since it wasn't being used anywhere. Checking with AS how to proceed. added to the site search template also added to the in-page search, which, not really sure how that works, but easy enough to modify. JMS Brick Documentation TMZ Website: Product API Applying for a developer account with OWS signed up, but it needs to send an email to me for approval, and likely our filters are blocking it. BSH Recipe groups deploy code and database changes update backup database JMS Brick Documentation Last Updated: 2/1/2022, 3:37:36 PM