# February 4, 2022

# PIL LP Updates

  • trying to communicate that I can't really do anything more on the header of this page to move the form "above-the-fold"

# TMZ Craft Setup

  • Still struggling with VITE.
  • Here's some resources https://github.com/craftcms/nitro/issues/360 https://andrewmeni.ch/blog/hot-module-reloading-with-laravel-mix-v6-and-craft-nitro-2 https://vitejs.dev/config/#server-cors https://nystudio107.com/docs/vite/#local-development-environment-setup

# Team Meeting

# Asking G some WS questions

  • answering in meeting notes

# TMZ Craft Setup

  • Laravel mix is frustrating me too
  • Parcel working!
    • https://github.com/mattrothenberg/parcel-craft-example

# BSH Finish homepage updates

# TMZ Use Cases

Last Updated: 3/4/2022, 10:42:58 PM