# September 11, 2020
# SHF Timeline animation
plan didn't work, still couldn't get things to fire when I told them to
refactored to put everything on the same Timeline
tl.fromTo(fortyOneAsset, { opacity: 0 }, { duration: duration, opacity: 1 }, "-=92");
<- set main timeline to last 100 seconds, then 92 means to start this animation 8% after the main one starts.- set the duration of sub animations to window.innerWidth/375. So on iPhones it's at 1, and gets larger as the screen gets wider
- some issue with not initing
H pulled to her local w/ bad search and replace. Trying to help fix WP site issues.
- added phpmyadmin to the docker-compose file for easier access to the local database
issue with not starting
- it's actually starting, just not pinning. changing the viewport size fixes it, especially a taller viewport
putting into review for now. May have to ditch on mobile.