# February 27, 2020

# PGP Video issues

# Jira

  • SL can you let me know if you keep hovering over the slide area, if it doesn't auto-advance. I think this is a feature, not a bug. I can still look into it, but I want to make sure I understand what's going on.
  • I also think we have a worse problem, with the video above that not playing at all for me.
  • Ah, its because we previously wrote code that kills the video when the slide advances. It's affecting all videos. looking into that...
  • Was able to do a few things to fix
// changing this to 
 $('.yt_video iframe').remove();

// this
 $('.slick-slide .yt_video iframe').remove();

... inside the iframe removal functions, so that only videos that are actually in sliders get killed during a slide.

// adding this in the video interaction
$(this).closest('.pg_slider').slick('slickSetOption','autoplay', false, false);

... turning off autoplay once a video has been interacted with.

# MSN Accessibility, back to headings

  • finished, more Umbraco stuff than I would like. Seems like there is a difficulty in in properly ordering headings when you have pages built with components that aren't aware of each other. New sections for each thing might make more sense.

# BSH Global

  • Installing webfont. Didn't want it to be global, so I made an HTML component with a style tag. Should look at other webfonts.
  • Removed a webfont called Europa, it's only used for the Sales portal link, real odd, cherry-picked to master, need to deploy tomorrow.
  • Looking into forms for G, but I'm not sure what she's asking.
Last Updated: 3/3/2020, 12:14:38 AM