# July, 18 2019

# Feedback on CON

# Feedback on GRF

# PDF Security discussion

# Back to TAP People filters, duplicate removal... and other content on that page.

  • used these articles to determine that this filter function is probably the best for removing duplicates from arrays.
  • (How to Remove Array Duplicates in ES6)[https://medium.com/dailyjs/how-to-remove-array-duplicates-in-es6-5daa8789641c]
  • (Performance of Javascript Array Ops)[https://blog.usejournal.com/performance-of-javascript-array-ops-2690aed47a50]

# Made a kinda blah ® mark solution, since I know it will come up.

  computed: {
    headingSuper() {
      return this.heading.replace('®', '<sup>®</sup>')

A filter maybe makes more sense, but this works and should be more performant.

# Worked on TAP case study pages, switching to pre-filtered routes

  • messy, since filtering is a bit messy because of differing data structures, but I don't see this being used much anyway, just on a few internal link that will likely be hardcoded.

# TAP: Fixing people order

  • added last name field for ordering
  • removed 'desc' from the query
Last Updated: 7/18/2019, 9:32:46 PM