# August 23, 2019

# Worked on some styling and playing with more grid stuff on lupe.

# Met on TAP site and discussed missing content and timeline

# On lupe, adding the idea of sections to the mock data structure.

# Finding BSH port that is blocked on our network to try and get this fixed.

# Estimates for CNG SEO Full audits

# Finishing data structure changes and refactoring

# Attempting a mixin for max-line length based on ems.

  • only needs to be a mixin for convenience. I think 32em is a good max line length.
@mixin good-measure() {
  max-width: 32em;

# Learning about css scoping and how weird it can be. I had to do this to make styling a nested thing work in some component scoped css

.recipe__description {
  grid-column: span 2;
  /deep/ p {
    @include good-measure;

# Worked with M on off canvas nav panel for lupe

# Added controls component as well

  • this will ultimately be a bit trickier, as the controls component and the avatar need to exist as once component instance on desktop and mobile. A fixed position layout may be appropriate, with it being a partial flyout menu on mobile.

# looking into a lottie animation issue in edge. Might be an SVGs complex mask. Waiting on another task to look closer.

# Adding smaller PDFs to MNR, N is looking into updating the uploads quota

# Reviewing TAP People data entry, cleaning up and adding more undefined checks.

Last Updated: 8/26/2019, 4:45:00 PM