# August 21, 2019

# Trying to figure out what's wrong with ESLint on my TAP Nuxt project

  • not clear what was wrong, but I updated my project with configurations from a newer project, and now I'm getting the same errors as H is. So at least we're on the same page.

# Working on one more strategy for API calls in Nuxt using Vuex

# Dev lunch, rewatched Tom's old gitflow presentation

SGF Web Devs Gitflow (opens new window)

# Lupe status, new features and ways to think about data structures. New UI designs for creation.

# Adding new features to lupe backlog

# Netlify lupe build working. Turned out I just pointed it to the wrong repository.

# Worked with H on TAP prismic stuff, saw that I missed some undefined checks and fixed.

I need to start putting code samples back in here!

const ctaRef = thought.data.body.find((t) => {
  return t.slice_type === 'cta'

let cta = null
if (typeof ctaRef !== 'undefined') {
  cta = await api.getByUID('calls_to_action', ctaRef.primary.call_to_action.uid)

# Spun up M on BSH and deploying a small change

# Making Jira tasks for missing content pieces on TAP case studies

# Adding more undefined checks to TAP case studies

Last Updated: 8/26/2019, 4:45:00 PM